Trails Connecting Communities

“Communities that offer ways for their residents to recreate create a stronger, healthier, well-connected population.”

Discover Columbia Valley Trails

Our Mission: To plan, construct, and promote responsible use of sustainable trails in the Columbia Valley.
Our Vision: To become a thriving world-class trails destination community.

Our Values:

  • Sustainable actions

  • Trust, collaboration, and inclusiveness

  • Healthy living and family values

  • Education for responsible use of trails and environmental stewardship

  • Partnership for the benefit of all groups

  • Public knowledge, awareness, and respect for trails and trail users

  • Economic benefits for the Columbia Valley

The Columbia Valley Greenways Trail Alliance is a Registered Charity working toward meeting our Mission and Vision.

We are privately funded and able to operate thanks to generous donors and grants. If you’re interested in contributing, please consider donating today.

Our mission is to plan, construct, and promote sustainable trails in the Columbia Valley, aiming to become a world-class trails destination. We value sustainability, collaboration, healthy living, education, partnerships, public awareness, and economic benefits for our community.

Explore, connect, and protect with Greenways. Sign up for our Newsletter.