Share in the Vision – the future of recreational trails in the Valley


Your opinion matters, and so does your vision. Share your thoughts on the future of outdoor recreation in the Columbia Valley on April 7, 2017 from 7-8pm at the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce, Invermere.

Your opinion matters, and so does your vision. Share your thoughts on the future of outdoor recreation in the Columbia Valley on April 7, 2017 from 7-8pm at the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce, Invermere. The Columbia Valley Greenways Trail Alliance will be reviewing their recently completed “Trails Vision – 2017” – a pioneering guideline for a process on how trails are developed, maintained, and enjoyed in our Valley.

The Trails Vision was developed by Greenways to create sustainable policies which will benefit our community, lifestyle and economy well into the future. The Columbia Valley is exploding in popularity and the need for such a plan is becoming ever more necessary, which is why we are welcoming any and all stakeholders – landowners, enthusiasts, communities and organizations to join us in the discussion. Pizza and refreshments will be served.

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